The Nestor Ethos
At Nestor Education, it is our conviction that interacting with interesting, inspiring, and academically brilliant young adults is an invaluable experience for children of all ages. Not only does it help them to receive the very best results in their academic endeavours; it also raises their intellectual ambitions, broadens their cultural interests, and provides them with academic role models and mentors.
We fiercely reject the view that teaching is simply a case of systematically feeding a student the information contained on a syllabus. Both of our lives have been enriched immeasurably by the inspirational teachers we were fortunate enough to have at school and university. They did not merely give us the tools to ascend the academic heights to which we aspired. Far more importantly than that, they also endowed us with a set of personal qualities and intellectual interests that continue to shape and enhance our lives every day.
We therefore believe that the objective of tutoring is not just helping children to attain their academic aims but imbuing them with self-discipline, confidence, ambition, articulacy, curiosity, and a love of learning. It is for this reason that we care so deeply about both the academic credentials and the interpersonal skills of our tutors at Nestor.
Every member of our small team of dedicated tutors is a highly experienced educator with a first-rate record of academic success. What makes them special, however, is that they are also profoundly interesting, engaging, and charismatic individuals, with whom we believe children will genuinely enjoy spending time. They are the kind of people who will inspire your child, as well as guiding them towards their academic goals.
Why ‘Nestor’?
Nestor is a character in the two Homeric poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey. The oldest and wisest prince amongst the Greeks at Troy, it was to him that the young men turned for advice and counsel. Our hope is that the outstanding tutors we have at Nestor will become a similar wellspring of knowledge and support for their tutees.